

Collective discount on health insurance

All residents of the Netherlands can switch to a different health insurer every year.

Esprit employees qualify for collective health insurance with Zilveren Kruis 'Additional Education' or the collective insurance offered by the Municipality of Amsterdam: VGA Education.

How do you switch?
Information from the various providers will be available in November/December. Consider using an independent aggregator website to compare different health insurance policies and find a policy that meets your needs.

All Esprit School employees can also take out various collective non-life insurance policies.

Pension accrual with ABP

Esprit Schools employees accrue a pension with ABP. The premiums owed for this are automatically deducted from your salary by Esprit Schools and deposited into your pension plan. The ABP website provides a detailed overview of all your options and choices when it comes to your pension.

You can choose to transfer previously accrued pension savings to ABP. It is best to do this within 6 months of joining Esprit Schools. For more information on whether transferring your pension would benefit you and how to arrange it, visit the ABP website. Are you an immigrant? The following website provides information about purchasing missed state pension years: SVB


Loyalis specialises in income security and pension supplements and offers disability and pension products and services, as well as survivor’s schemes. Everyone who works at Esprit Schools can take out insurance with Loyalis. If you decide to take out insurance with Loyalis through your employer, the premium will automatically be deducted from your salary and paid to Loyalis.

Supplementary disability insurance

Employees in education can take out additional insurance against incapacity for work by taking out an IPAP insurance policy with Loyalis.

As a rule, an employee who becomes incapacitated for work will receive a disability benefit and an ABP disability pension after two years of illness. The iPAP insurance policy pays out a supplementary benefit.

Other types of insurance

Other insurance

The Central Office manages the collective insurance policies for all Esprit schools. This concerns the following insurance policies:

• Liability insurance
• Accident insurance
• Continuous travel insurance
• Building/contents insurance
• Glass insurance

The first three insurance policies mentioned cover damage suffered by students, staff members, volunteers, interns and board members and are in addition to the private insurance policies you take out. The latest insurance policies cover damage to school buildings.
The Facility Affairs department is responsible for reporting and handling claims, all administration surrounding the policies, advice on insurance matters and contact with insurers.
In general, the school is not liable for theft, burglary, loss or destruction of personal property of students, employees and visitors.

For an explanation of these insurance policies, please contact:
Nathalie Wernsen, tel. 06-46737237,
Maarten Boelsma, tel. 06-12397987,


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